Tuition allows gaps in learning and misconceptions to be uncovered because of the high teacher to student ratio. Often a child is stuck with their learning not because of the difficulty of the subject matter but because they do not have requisite prior learning in place. For example, a student cannot work with percentages if they do not understand fractions and decimals or are unable to divide numbers by 100. An experienced teacher, working closely with a student, will be able to see where such important gaps are.  

The private tuition curriculum can flexibly adapt to fit the student’s specific requirements – if a student needs to cover a particular area either because it is a gap that has been uncovered or it is an area that they want to work on, a tutor can provide for this. There is no requirement to stick to a pre-planned lesson plans and schedules.  

A tutor can spend more time with each child. With a much smaller student to teacher ratio than in school, not only can the tutor get to know their students and learn what their strengths and weaknesses are, but they can also give them more individual time. This individual child-centred approach helps to boost student confidence and allow any worries to be quickly resolved. 
Tuition is provided at a pace suited to each individual. There is time to go over aspects as many times as needed or to push on to higher concepts. 

Methods and resources can be adjusted for individuals – a student may require some practical resources that may not be available in school or at home or they may even be embarrassed to ask for these in front of their peers in school.  

Tuition often means that students develop a drive for learning and they become aware of the value their parents see in academic achievement. It also allows tutors to be inventive and to try out approaches and methods that a student may not experience in school.  
A tutor will help your child take control of their learning and set goals for themselves. Self-motivated leaning is a very powerful learning tool and equips students well for further academic challenges which may await them. 

Tuition frees parents from trying to perform the difficult role of tutor. Children often don’t want their parent to be involved directly in their learning and will work far more effectively for someone else. With busy lives, tuition can help parents to effectively support their children academically. 

Tuition is fun! At Aspire we manage all of the above with our skilled, qualified and experienced teachers but we also know how to make learning fun!