Tutors are like coaches. All the best sports people, celebrities and leaders have a coach or an advisor to get the best out of them.
Tutors can help you reach your potential
You may think you are doing fine at school but perhaps you are not actually achieving what you are fully capable of. Our tutors will not only help you understand different methods and concepts but will help you get serious about your studies. Once you no longer struggle on your own, you will become far more confident in your abilities and able to tackle harder concepts.
We will work with you to motivate you to step it up a level to reach your true potential and keep you focused on what's important.
We will work together to get you the right skills but also the mindset to achieve and win.
We will listen to you – we will ask you about what you want to cover. We know that it is not cool to ask for help at school when you do not understand fully. With our 1-1 ratio, there is no shame in admitting any difficulties. We will fit our tuition around you.
With many years of experience in the classroom but most crucially delivering tuition across Swindon and the surrounding area, we have experienced all types of learners and all types of needs. We also have huge experience of the types of questions and challenges you will come across. However, we are also real people with children on our own. We appreciate the pressures, and we work with you to deliver tuition sessions that are intense but so valuable that you will see how lucky you are to be supported in this way.
Just wanted to say a big thank you for the past 6 years. Not just for boosting me academically but also for the motivation you gave me when I was overstressing. You made me realise that no matter what is on the paper on results day, I should feel very proud of how hard I worked and tried. Thank you so much, Jasleen.
Ethan SpLD
We were so pleased to find Andrea, through a friend’s recommendation. We were despairing about what to do with our son. The school said that there was nothing wrong with him but we knew that he was finding the work really difficult. Each day he would come out of school and have melt downs at home. He always took out his frustrations from school on us and his younger sister. Although we booked Ethan in for help with his reading and spelling, we received so much more. Andrea very soon recognised that he likely had dyslexia, which was a huge relief to us as we had suspected this for years. She talked to us about different methods to help him with his school spellings etc so that we no longer had the weekly battle and then upset, related to the class test. Andrea enabled us all to recognise the strengths of Ethan, rather than just focussing on his difficulties. She also carried out some assessments that showed that his memory was very poor. We were able to show her report to the school and they did begin to support him with the recommendations Andrea gave.
We highly recommend Aspire Tuition due to the professional service but particularly because Andrea always went the extra mile for our son.
Oliver KS2
After a few weeks of you being shut at the start of lockdown, Ollie started to ask if he would ever come to Aspire again. He was so pleased to see you over Zoom. Although he hates writing at school, he is more than happy to work for you and it is great to hear him laughing and coming out with ideas when working online with you. Thank you for being one of the few people to get the best out of him.